Welcome to my online gallery. I hope you have as much fun looking at my paintings as I had making them. Enjoy and thanks for visiting! [This site is best viewed witha a 1024x768 resolution]

Monday, September 25, 2006

Rainy Days and Mondays

I haven't posted any miniatures around here for awhile. Maybe coz I haven't been doing them in the first place. :D At any rate, I'm posting this for the meantime while I'm working on another painting. I'll eventually show it when I've got the bloody thing done.

Here's a not so good picture of the details:


Kyuzo said...

nice. keep em coming. +P

you want the plasma cannon pics too?

+++ cpqctf - Crozius Pain Quencher, Crozius Terror Faker... labo. doh!

Salubri said...

i took nearly two weeks to finish this thing. painting when i have the spare time. so we'll see about keeping it coming. :D

post mo na lang yung pics natin sa 101st. :P