Welcome to my online gallery. I hope you have as much fun looking at my paintings as I had making them. Enjoy and thanks for visiting! [This site is best viewed witha a 1024x768 resolution]

Friday, December 15, 2006

A reason to be jolly

Another year came and is nearly going and we're all wiser from a year's worth of experience. It's drawing to a close, this page of in the book that is our lives. Everyone's so busy getting ready to write the final paragraphs, dotting every i's and crossing every t's.

For that matter so am I. This christmas vacation will be a time for work. A time when I can finally sit long enough to finish paintings in a day and revisit some old ones that need completion. Hopefully I will have a bigger volume of work to show by the start of the following year. May you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoy making them. It is with this in mind that I must now turn the lights off on this little corner of the net that I call mine. Only for a little while of course. Every artist needs to sign off from the world for a bit or we will never get things done.

So this is me thanking you all for a year of good companionship and pleasant surprises. A year of firsts. A year of good experiences, of bad ones, and the lessons we've learned from them. A year of love and a year of loss. A year full of life.

Merry Christmas and tune in again next year. ;)