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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Red Dragon of Mousillon

In all his glorious unpaintedness :P. I've always liked this model. With the exception of the tip of his lance which isn't very convincing and neither is it impressive. The very curve of the tip suggest that the strain upon impact will be on the middle of the lance's pole which might actually cause it to break. Of course that's just me being overly analytical. Perhaps I truly am anal. :D

I also considered putting this pic here so as to show the size of the figures that I paint. So yes that's how small they are... and yes I can never be a hand model. :P

So what's the master plan with this guy? He is the Grail Knight on a Pegasus that I keep using during my games. I liked this figure ever since I saw the one that won a golden daemon award during games day some years back. I like his helm and the tabard which is actually adorned with dragon scales. I'm thinking I'll paint him with red, black and some leather colors for earthtones. The pegasus will likely be a creamy brown. Then I will also do my first OSL with him, I'll do it on his eyes and reflect it from out of his helm... to sort of signify the the eyes inside are glowing with a green light. Goodluck to me. lolz.

"The Red Dragon as he is known for no one has seen his face, is a grail guardian within the corrupted land of Mousillon. Many a time have travelers been endangered within the forsaken lands and saved by The Red Dragon. He appears out of nowhere to assist those that are in dire need, striding upon his great pegasus mount, eyes gleaming and lance ready. His name has become legend to the commoners in the villages surrounding the duchy of Mousillon. Rumor has it that weapons used by evil men have been stopped short before reaching him. Truly he must be protected by The Lady. He has also been known to aid bretonian armies fighting for a just cause when the battles occur close to the lands of Mousillon."


Pinoy Wargamer said...

Red Dragon of Mousillon? Nice! It's a bit out of fluff though, as far as I know, Mousillon is overrun with Undead, and the only knights left there are Blood Dragons. But hey, he can be a survivor, one of those left wanting to reclaim their homeland.

Salubri said...

The grail knights are guardians of the sacred places. That's the only reason why he can't leave the land of Mousillon. His charge is in there somewhere and so he has to keep it undefiled. :D

Allison M. said...

Hey! Always good to see a fellow CMONer with a blog! I've had mine going since April and I found that it has been a great motivator when I was having trouble painting (although only a few friends ever visit it). I've been in a bit of a dry spell lately but I'm trying to pull out of it right now... largely because I was embarrassed at how long it's been since I posted new material :)

Pinoy Wargamer said...

Hey, allison, maybe you can post a link on some of your painted works? ^_^

Allison M. said...

Well, there's a link to my painting blog in my previous post, but here's a direct link to my CMON gallery.

Salubri said...

hi allison. it's also nice of you to drop in. i think i've seen your work in CMON once in a while. you post at the forums there too right?

dry spell eh? it comes and goes for people like us i guess. usually what i do when i don't fee like painting is sculpt and vice versa.

i saw the painting(cat, fruits) in your blog. what medium do you use?

Allison M. said...

I chose to use acrylics for my canvases, since I'm already familiar with their properties and already have some supplies that I could use (acrylic medium, varnish, retarder). Also acrylics are very versatile (can be used thick as "oils" or thin as "watercolours") though I haven't explored their possibilities much yet.

Your watercolour tonal study is really good by the way! It has the real sense of depth and vastness that a landscape needs.

I'll try to get back to updating my blog regularly in the next week or so, feel free to drop by and leave comments!

Salubri said...

thanks for the kind words. :D

i actually tried doing the real painting based on the tonal sketch but found out that it's a lot harder when you're dealing with the real colors. so i'm redoing it.

i can actually do most of the other mediums as well since we were taught how but it's been so long since i last dealt with them(oil pastel, pens, oil paints etc...). my favorite medium has always been chalk pastel though. acrylics i have never tried out except in miniature painting and i figure it's a little different.

i'll check your site and say hello when you update then. :D

Allison M. said...

You might find this and this interesting...

Salubri said...

thanks man. much appreciated. :D